A multifaceted artist who blends the tools of photography, poetry, and storytelling to distil the interconnectedness of the human race and delve into the very essence of existence. My work weaves together mythology, identity, and transformation themes, bridging the realms of the written word and the visual image. [More]


On My Photography

I have always had a love-hate relationship with photography, one day wanting to be a photographer the next deciding not

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Who Am I?

Tēnā koutou katoaKo tēnei taku whakapapaKo Tutumapou te maungaKo Te Hoiere te awaKo Te Hoiere te wakaKo Ngāti Kuia me

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Zodiac Zoetrope

Compatibility Mode In 2018, I started on a series of nudes which were purely exploratory, and they have quickly become

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Male Form

Most artists approach the human form at some stage and after a long time taking photos of everything but the

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Reverie Photo Book

I’m working on publishing a book containing 15 years of my photography. Reverie will include approximately 150 photographs that have

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